BAM Aesthetics


Medical, Storefront


Design, Development

Content Management System


The Goal

BAM is a beauty company and the business is located in Philadelphia. They loved what we did for and they reached out to us for a site for their brand new business. Before we got into the deal, their website at the time was far from appealing. It looked empty and pale. The site even lacked pictures. In fact, it was the direct opposite of what they represented - beauty.

The Solution

With our diligence and expertise, we were able to successfully improve the site from a one star site to a five star site. We combined beautiful colors and graphics that suited an aesthetic platform to improve the looks of the site. We also implemented a design style that was similar to that of, the site they loved. Rather than making it an exact replica of, we carefully made it unique and outstanding. The site is not just beautiful but also simple to use to make bookings. All their clients love the site.

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